Dawn's Dog Boarding
Stone Ridge, NY
4009 Rt. 213 Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Dawn's Dog Boarding offers a top notch dog boarding service in the Hudson Valley, where your dog can relax in Dawn's country home in Stone Ridge. Whether for the day, weekend, week, or a longer stay, your dog is in excellent hands. Dawn has been caring for dogs in the Hudson Valley for over 15 years. Your dog(s) will go on walks & hikes in majestic Ulster County nature, and even has the option of swimming in the summertime. Dawn's Dog Boarding accepts neutered/spayed, well mannered, and non destructive dogs, who get along with other dogs and all people. Now offering pet sitting for all your pets, and dog walking!
Purchase a Hudson Valley DollarSaver certificate and save! No waiting for the mail...the certificate prints instantly at your printer! (One certificate per dog per stay, please. Expires three years from date of purchase.)